Two Men

Hughie came back from Sunday school and was telling us a story.

Half way through he said, “I forgot the names of the two men so I can’t continue my story …”

Grandma answered him back “Well, tell me about the men in the story and I’m very sure I know the names.”

Hughie than replied, “OK. One of them is wearing green shirt and the other is yellow. Now, do you know who is that?”


Nice try.

3 WEEKS!!!

That’s how long I have to add on to my existing 2 weeks.

My ankle is not behaving. Experiencing swelling, occasional numbness and dull pain.

Doc says to keep my leg elevated and swelling will reduce in 2 weeks time hence to wear my cast for another 3 weeks!!

What am I to do wobbling and limping around?

That is freaking long. I told the doctor this and he told me not to fall down the next time.



This morning running short on time I commented to Hughie, “Hughie, please help mummy by wearing your own shoes and socks. Thank you”


Reply was “That’s not helping you! That’s helping myself. I’m doing it now, you know.”


Hughie = 2 : mummy = 0


I was hoping for miracle.

But… Somehow my ankle is still SWOLLEN!!!

Certain angle will cause pain. Worst is going down the stairs.

Sigh… Not good as I’m traveling next week.



Sun Talk

While on the way to school, Hughie commented “That looks like the sun set, mum…”

Me. Trying. To. Be. Educative. Answered.

“Hughie, that is the sun rise not the sun set”

I got hit between the eyes when he commented, “Mum, I said …. It LOOKS like the sun set. I did not say it IS the sun set. I know it is sun rise …”

In built. Genetically wired. Lawyer.

Should I say I should be proud?